[portfolio_slideshow navpos=top width=540]Lack of time and tired from a busy day at work, or with kids around — but don′t want take away? If you love to eat delicious, simple food, but are too tired for complicated recipes, look at the yummy options we compiled for this recipes round-up. These 15 recipes with easy to follow instructions will allow you to create delicious meals with a handful of ingredients in a few minutes.
1st row:
1. Grilled Salmon With Mint & Basil Sauce
2. Bacon Spinach Lasagna
3. Veggie tart With Dried Tomatoes, Eggplant And Tofu
4. Salmon Pie With Potatoes & Spinach
5. Spicy Beef Meatballs
Photo credit: © Eatwell101.com
2nd row:
6. Sautéed Mushrooms Pasta
7. Pan Fried Chicken Breasts with Peppers and Eggplants
8. Zucchini And Goat Cheese Frittata
9. Green Lentils With Salmon
10. Bacon & Cheese Baked Stuffed Potatoes
Photo credit: © Eatwell101.com
3rd row:
11. Tomato & Eggplant Sauce Pasta
12. Zucchini Lasagna With Goat Cheese
13. Chicken Breast and Vegetable Stir Fry
14. Potato Pancakes With Smoked Salmon
15. Stuffed Tomatoes With Bacon And Ricotta