Photo credit: ©
Ideal to accompany your next meal of steamed potatoes or grilled meat, this arugula pesto brings a touch of joy to your plates. It’s simply terrific with grilled steak, vegetables or plain rice. The principle is very simple: substitute arugula for the basil! The best pesto is made with a mortar and pestle but it’s still ok to use a food processor!
Ingredients list for Arugula pesto with olive oil
Serves 6:
- 12 ounces (350g) arugula salad
- 8 1/2 fl oz (25cl) olive oil
- 1 3/4 ounces (50g) parmesan
- 1 clove garlic, de-germed
- Salt and pepper
Photo credit: ©
Cooking instruction
1. Wash and drain the arugula, keep only the beautiful leaves and remove tough stems.
2. Grate the parmesan.
3. Peel, take out the germ of the garlic clove and chop finely with a drizzle of olive oil in a food processor, add the arugula, olive oil and chop again.
4. Add the parmesan. Do not mix too much with the robot because it would “warm up” the parmesan.
5. Add a bit of salt but not too much as parmesan is already salty.
A few tips:
- To choose well your arugula salad: take sprigs that have preferably small and very fresh, soft and tight leaves. The leaves should be bright green, unblemished and stand firm. If necessary, remove the ribbed stalk before preparation.
- You can keep arugula in the refrigerator a few days in a perforated bag in your crisper.
- To choose the parmesan, take it with a clear crust. And buy it whole rather than already grated, it is incomparable!
Photo credit: © Eatwell101.comPHOTO: Olive Oil Arugula Pesto
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Read also: Nutella cakes
Leave a Reply
2012-09-26 08:17:59
Thanks for your nice comment!
2012-09-26 07:50:53
So simple, but I bet loaded with flavour. Love it.