Sheet Pan Dinner Recipes – In a hurry for preparing dinner? Good news: Just about any of your favorite meats and vegetables can be prepared using a simple sheet pan. From chicken and steak to fish and shrimp and veggies, you can male a complete dinner by throwing all ingredients on a sheet pan and roast the whole thing in your oven. Please keep reading for our 17 best sheet pan meals for easy weeknight dinners. Enjoy!
Sheet Pan Recipes: 17 Sheet Pan Meals For Easy Weeknight Dinners
1. Sweet Potato & Eggs Sheet Pan Breakfast
2. Sheet Pan Steak and Potatoes
Cooking time: 25 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
3. 10-Minute Sheet Pan Steak with Lemon Zucchini
Cooking time: 10 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
4. Sheet-Pan Maple-Dijon Sausage and Fall Veggies
Cooking time: 30 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
5. Sheet-Pan Honey Chili Chicken with Veggies
Cooking time: 30 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
6. Best Oven-Baked Chicken
Cooking time: 25 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
7. Balsamic Pork Tenderloin in Oven with Fall Veggies
Cooking time: 25 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
8. Baked Sheet Pan Pork Chops and Potatoes
Cooking time: 25 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
9. Sheet-Pan Maple-Glazed Chicken with Sweet Potatoes
Cooking time: 20 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
10. Sheet-Pan Chili-Lime Tilapia with Veggies
Cooking time: 20 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
11. Baked BBQ Pork Chops with Zucchini and Peppers
Cooking time: 20 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
12. Sheet Pan Garlic Butter Chicken and Asparagus
Cooking time: 20 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
14. Honey Mustard Roasted Pork Loin Sheet Pan Dinner
Cooking time: 60 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
15. Sheet Pan Pork Chops with Carrots and Maple Dijon Potatoes
Cooking time: 25 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
16. Sheet-Pan Salsa Chicken with Spaghetti Squash
Cooking time: 25 minView recipe >> Save to recipe box
17 Sheet Pan Meals For Easy Weeknight Dinners: Sweet Potato & Eggs Sheet Pan Breakfast
by eatwell101
Yield: Prep Time: 10 min Cook time: 35 min
A nourishing breakfast to feed a crowd!
Ingredients you need for the Sweet Potato & Eggs Sheet Pan Breakfast
1. Precalienta el horno a 200 ºC. Engrasa ligeramente una bandeja para hornear o cúbrela con spray antiadherente.
2. Coloque la batata rallada en una sola capa sobre la bandeja para hornear preparada. Agregue la mantequilla, el aceite de oliva, el condimento italiano y el ajo en polvo y revuelva suavemente para combinar. Sazone con sal y pimienta a gusto. Hornee en el horno hasta que los bordes comiencen a dorarse, aproximadamente entre 10 y 15 minutos.
3. Mientras tanto, calienta 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva en una sartén grande. Agrega las cebollas, los pimientos morrones, el ajo, las especias, la sal y la pimienta. Cocina, revolviendo con frecuencia, hasta que las verduras comiencen a ablandarse, aproximadamente 5 minutos. Agrega los tomates, la pasta de tomate y cocina a fuego lento hasta que la mezcla de tomates comience a reducirse, aproximadamente 10 minutos. Prueba y ajusta la sazón. Reserva.
4. Saque la batata del horno y cúbrala con la salsa de tomate y pimientos morrones. Forme 5 o 6 huecos y agregue los huevos, cascándolos con cuidado y manteniendo la yema intacta. Espolvoree los huevos con ajo en polvo y sazone con sal y pimienta a gusto.
5. Colóquelo en el horno y hornéelo hasta que las claras de huevo estén bien cocidas, aproximadamente entre 10 y 12 minutos a 200 ºC (400 ºF). Sirva inmediatamente, adornado con perejil y rodajas de aguacate, si lo desea. ¡Disfrute!
Nota: Puedes frotar algunas rebanadas de pan con ajo y aceite de oliva y luego tostarlas en el horno hasta que estén doradas, esto agregará un poco de crujiente a esta receta.
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Tips for better sheet-pan dinners
- Invest in a good-quality half sheet pan. The best sheet-pans are made of heavy-duty uncoated aluminized steel or natural aluminum.
- Cut veggies to a similar size to ensure cooking evenly and avoid overcooked ingredients while the others are still undercooked.
- Some ingredients like potatoes may need more time in the oven, so make a first-round, then add the meat or other veggies for the second round.