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The pepper sauce is a great flavor enhancer, this is why it’s common to find it different types of dishes. This sauce is easy to do and you’ll bring out the good taste in minutes. You just have to follow the dosage prescription for each ingredients. The pepper sauce can be accompanied by a little whiskey or brandy as appropriate. But it will be quite different depending on whether you use black pepper, red pepper or green pepper.
What you need for a great pepper sauce
- 10 cl veal stock
- A teaspoon of mustard
- 10 cl cream
- 2 cl of cognac
- 5 grams of cracked pepper
- Salt
- Butter
To make a pepper sauce, you must have the necessary cooking utensils:
- A saucepan
- A wooden spatula
- A gravy boat
- And another pan
Cooking the pepper sauce
Make sweat the pepper in butter with the pan. After a minute of cooking, add the brandy and let preparation burn. Then pour the cream and reduce to half the whole. Add the veal stock to this mixture before boiling. Prior to extinguish the fire, add the mustard without making the sauce boil. At the end of cooking, you can also add shallots and chopped bouquet garnis (thyme and bay leaves).
The dishes associated with pepper sauce
Game, grilled red meat, steaks are all foods that can be greatly improved with a pepper sauce. At the end of the preparation, we can add some chopped shallots, parsley and chives, finely chopped thyme.
The advantage with the pepper sauce is that it accepts all the fantasies that can enhance the taste of dishes. For a sweet pepper sauce, cooking will take much less time, while if you want a stronger sauce must cook the sauce for at least twenty minutes.