
22 Simple & Easy Lunch Recipes Ideas

Do you need a quick, simple, but delicious recipe for lunch at home or on your workplace? Are you planning a quick lunch for just one or two persons? If you landed here, it’s certainly because you are a cooking beginner or you are bored of canned/freezed food and sandwiches, or maybe you just lack of inspiration at the moment, which is natural for everyone!

 Simple & Easy Lunch Recipes Ideas

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Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe

Spaghetti or tagliatelle carbonara we’re used to eat consist of lots of bacon, cream and grated cheese… it is very far away of the original spaghetti Carbonara recipe which consists only of crispy pancetta, whipped eggs and pecorino romano (sheep cheese). You can make the recipe either with spaghetti or tagliatelle.

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Chorizo Risotto Recipe

Cooking risotto gives a so smooth and creamy result that I love. It is always easy to find ideas to transform it into a single dish, handy when you are tired of scratching your head to put your menu together! Moreover, it’s the perfect dish to bring at work for a lunch.

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Chicken with Vegetable, Curry and Basil

This Chicken with Vegetable recipe brings a taste of spring with basil or invites to travel with curry. The mixture of fresh basil and curry is amazing, balanced and subtly scented. Moreover, it is a simple and quick recipe to prepare.

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Spaghetti Pesto and Dried Duck Breast

So here’s a recipe idea of ​​spaghetti with pesto. It is simple to compose with simple ingredients, but rich in flavor! Pesto first: you are all done in your supermarket, but it’s super easy to do.

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Potatoes Patties Burgers

The potato patty burgers all the advantages: it is simple, quick to make, tasty and won a huge success with children (and parents too). Besides this, contrary to what we can think by looking at the picture, it is not too rich!

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 Sauteed Shrimps with Crunchy Vegetables

We all dream about these beautiful recipes that make us mouth watering. Here is a sauteed shrimps recipe with crunchy vegetables that will delight you!

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 Potato Salad Recipe

Many of us probably have lunch alone.This potato salad is a very complete dish, quickly eaten but satisfying, with flavors that give it an air of summer! It can also be carried in your lunch box.

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Sautéed Prawns in Whiskey, Ginger, Coriander

Here's a good prawns recipe sautéed in whiskey, ginger, coriander and oyster sauce. Shrimps or prawns are suitable for almost all kind of marriages:it is quick and easy to do and can be serve as an entry, a main dish or a tapas.

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Pasta Salad with Pesto and Radish

The pasta salad is unique in its ingredients but also in its seasonings.
This “Super Pasta Salad” is perfect for the picnic: fresh, full and satisfying, but you will also enjoy at home: you can present it in small verrines type “bodega” when you make dinner aperitif or buffets.

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a title="Learn How to cook Pasta Salad with Pesto and Radish Recipe - Learn to cook Pasta Salad with Pesto and Radish Recipe - How to cook SPasta Salad with Pesto and Radish Recipe" href="http://www.eatwell101.com/healthy-pasta-salad-recipe-pesto-pasta-salad" rel="bookmark">

One last thing, this recipe is simply delicious provided you do not overcook the quiche so that it does not blow in the oven and that salmon stays moist. I suggest you to do this salmons quiche, fresh and smoked tasting, decorated with fresh coriander.

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Potato and Pancetta Salad

What about a nice salad with these small potatoes? What I like about this is that it’s quick to do and so good! We add pancetta to remind Italy. A beautiful onion, arugula, olive oil, and presto you’re done.

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Chicken Breast and Leeks in a Puff Pastry

How to look sophisticated when making a very simple dish? The answer lies in this recipe! with this ricipe we'll look how to make a braided puff pastry topped with diced chicken and a leek fondue. It's very simple to prepare and delicious. With me, there's always the chicken and leeks in the closet.

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Two Fishes Zucchini Rolls

A fish balls recipe using a light white fish. The core is mixed with the fish while riding in zucchini in strips.

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Tart Recipe: Pancetta And Mushrooms

A savory tart recipe , fragrant, and easy to make: it is possible! This simple tart recipe consists of a ricotta bed sprinkled with fresh thyme and lots of mushrooms.

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Turkey Cutlets Roulade Stuffed with Aromatic Herbs

Here’s an original and healthy way to cook poultry: a plastic wrap, a steaming and that stands alone by itself! It’s a change form cooking poultry in a pan or oven.

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Egg Bread Buns Recipe

This kids recipe in very original and easy. To make it short, it’s the perfect recipe for kids who want to learn to cook. If you tell me otherwise, I simply won’t believe you. Unless you don’t know how to break eggs? It’s really something fun to do with your kids.

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Salmon Fillets In Foil with Leeks

A recipe high in flavor, not too rich –if you don’t finish your meal white chocolate-caramel with salted butter dessert… like me … sad!– and simple to make. It’s really fun to do: if it’s your first time trying cooking “in foil”, you absolutely won’t be disappointed!

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 Quinoa Salad Recipe

Quinoa salad is both nutritive and light. Fresh as a Greek salad, this full dish, healthy and quickly prepared is perfect for summer evenings.

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Duck Confit Parmentier Recipe

This duck parmentier recipe could be great on a sunday, when you don’t want to spend too much time in your kitchen and miss conversation with your friends. The parmentier of duck confit is certainly not from the ”sophisticated recipes family”.

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Salmon Lasagna with Broccoli

Salmon lasagna in cream sauce and broccoli: it does not take much to make a pasta dish sublime. The results of these salmon lasagna is delicious. We cook the broccoli for just 10 minutes, otherwise it overcooks

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Peppers Omelette Recipe

Simply put, peppers are fresh, crunchy and full of vitamins – without forgetting their colorful aspect when we use of mixed varieties. Try this easy omelet recipe to bring freshness into your lunches.

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 Easy and simple lunch recipes for cooking beginners

To help you in your lunch preparation we selected 22 simple and easy lunch recipes that take no more than 30 minutes to make. For picky eaters, we tried to vary the ingredients at maximum to offer you a wide range of possibilities. Why not planning to make any of these quick lunch recipes once or twice a week? If you do some maths, you’ll see that you’re ready to go for 10 weeks ahead with these simple recipes!

What’s your favorite lunch recipes!? Leave a com

Try a Recipe:

1st row:
1. Spaghetti Carbonara Recipe
2. Duck Gizzards and Beans Salad Recipe
3. Chorizo Risotto Recipe
4. Chicken with Vegetable, Curry and Basil
5. Pesto and Dried Duck Breast

2nd row:
6. Potatoes Patties Burgers
7. Sauteed Shrimps with Crunchy Vegetables
8. Potato Salad Recipe
9. Sautéed Prawns in Whiskey, Ginger, Coriander
10. Pasta Salad with Pesto and Radish

3rd row:
11. Salmons Quiche Recipe
12. Potato and Pancetta Salad
13. Chicken Breast and Leeks in a Puff Pastry
14. Two Fishes Zucchini Rolls
15. Tart Recipe: Pancetta And Mushrooms

4th row:
16. Turkey Cutlets Roulade Stuffed with Aromatic Herbs
17. Egg Bread Buns Recipe
18. Salmon Fillets In Foil with Leeks
19. Quinoa Salad Recipe
20. Duck Confit Parmentier Recipe

5th row:
21. Salmon Lasagna with Broccoli
22. Peppers Omelette Recipe

Have a good lunch and don’t forget to write a little comment below if  you tried any of these simple and quick lunch recipes!

Read also: Kitchen Essentials: The Basic Ingredients You Should Always Have For a Good Meal

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