Photo credit: © Eatwell101.comWith an earthy and sweet flavor matching perfectly with savory garnishes, these buckwheat crepes add a whole new dimension to your brunch. To save time, I advise you to prepare the crepes in advance. Then you can garnish them as you wish!
Ingredients list for the buckwheat crepes
For 20 crepes:
- 3 cups (500g) of buckwheat flour
- 1/2 cup (50g) of wheat flour
- 2 tablespoons (15g) coarse salt
- 34 fl oz (1 liter) of water
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp of honey
Cooking instructions
1. In a large bowl, add the two flours. Add the salt and half of the water, mixing gradually. In a bowl, mix the egg and honey with a little of the dough. Beat with a fork and add the rest of the dough. Then beat it with an electric whisk or by hand. The more you whisk, the lighter the dough is. Leave the dough in the fridge for a few hours. It is only when you are ready to cook that you can add the remaining half a liter of water.
2. To cook the crepes, butter a large skillet or crepe pan. Pour a ladle of batter and spread over the entire surface. Return after a few minutes to cook the other side. If you need to fill it a second time, do not let it brown too much. You can prepare all the pancakes in advance by reserving them in a cloth. Then you can top them according to the wishes of the guests.
Photo credit: ©
Ingredients list for the filling:
For 2 crepes:
- 1 lb (500g) mushrooms
- Ham
- 1 tbsp cream
- A pinch of oregano
- Salt and pepper
- Salted butter
Cooking instructions
1. Slice the button mushrooms. Have them coloring in butter for a few minutes. Salt and pepper, add a dollop of cream and a pinch of oregano. Let slightly reduce.
2. Melt a good knob of salted butter in a hot pan. Heat the pancake on both sides in the melted butter and garnish with the mushrooms. Add a few slices of ham before closing.
3. Cook for 5 minutes on each side over medium heat. Serve immediately with a good farm apple cider as an accompaniment.