
3 Useful Wine Accessory Tools To Preserve Your Wine Longer Once Open

Wine Preservers - Wine Accessories - Wine Stoppers - How to Preserve Wine

After opening a bottle of wine and keep it for a later use, oxygen gas is trapped in the bottle and can alter the condition and taste of wine. While oxygen is good at revealing the wine flavors and aromas at first opening, the prolongated exposure overtime damages the flavor.

When oxygen comes in contact with wine for long time, it will oxidize the wine, by changing its composition and causing it to become acidic, just like venigar. These reactions can cause wine to spoil after a few days.

There are several ways to keep your wine safe from the bad effects of oxygen. To preserve your freshly opened bottle there are three basic options:

  • A wine saver
  • A vacuum decanter
  • A canister of nitrogen

The wine saver

Wine Savers are simple tools that can be exploited by anyone. Wine saver is a pump that you put on top of your wine bottle and pump oxygen out. After pumping oxygen, just release and the bottle will be sealed. Re-opening your bottle of wine is easy with a push on the release button on top of the cap.

The vacuum decanter

The Vacuum Decanter serves two purposes: one is to aerate your wine to bring out its full flavor and the second is to preserve and store your wine after opening. It works similar to the wine savor, but you can store your wine in an elegant glass container. A gasket is placed at the edge of the carafe and a hand pump is used to remove oxygen again, just as the wine savor. Most pitchers have a vacuum gauge that will inform you if the oxygen level is low enough for a good conservation.

The nitrogen can

The third option to remove oxygen from your opened bottle of wine is to use Wine Preserver Nitrogen Can. This product works differently from others. Nitrogen gas is heavier than oxygen and oxygen falls below what can be in your bottle of wine. It acts a tampon and keeps oxygen from touching your wine, preserving your wine for your next use.  Use it directly into your bottle of wine, similarly to how the canned air is used to clean keyboards or electronic devices. You can store up to 120 bottles with a simple nitrogen can.

With such simple and cost effective methods and accessories, there is no reason not to preserve the flavors of your favorite wine. Now you can open that special bottle you’ve been saving over and over again!

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