The week is over and we all begin to feel the cold of autumn coming. Maybe you had a stressful week so why not relax and take some repairing time in your kitchen?
We will bring France in this weekend menu: a perfect mix of traditionnal and contemporary dishes.
We begin to travel with a with Red lentils Soup with Carrot, Tomatoes & fresh cilantro. Discover or re-discover an original way to enjoy your lentil soup! Simple to prepare: you’ll love it! This recipes tastes subtly spicy and is rich in dietary fiber: good for your shape line!
Get the recipe here: Red lentils Soup with Carrot, Tomatoes & fresh cilantro
Followed by a Beef Stew Recipe: French “Beef à la ficelle”: A recipe invented in Paris in the last century. The meat is cooked in broth and you adjust the cooking time according to your tastes that you like the meat rare or medium. With browns hash, especially if they are true or fried potato croquettes, it is a treat.
Get the recipe here: Beef Stew Recipe: French “Beef à la ficelle
We end our journey with a coeur fondant chocolate cake, an extasy! Everything is in the title, or almost: here is the best chocolate based cake I’ve eaten in my entire life. I loved so much this chocolate coeur fondant, but what I like the most is the interior: around the edge, the most cooked part are always disappointing. This cake is for me only interesting from the inside point of view: no crust, not dry and cracked. it is easy to do. Four ingredients, and presto.
Get the recipe here: Coeur fondant chocolate cake
“Have an excellent weekend!”