Photo credit: © Eatwell101.comMaking a very good fresh tomato sauce is easy beyond your imagination, it’s just a matter of few ingredients and cooking time. Plus, homemade tomato sauce freezes very well, so you’ll be able to enjoy the essence of Summer for the cold months.
Ingredient list for the roasted tomato sauce recipe
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 onion, chopped
- 1 cloves of garlic, peeled and minced
- 2 pounds (400g) ripe tomatoes – peeled
- 1/2 cup fresh assorted herbs: oregano, thyme
- 1/2 cups fresh basil leaves, chopped
- 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar or wine vinegar
- Salt and pepper.
- A pinch of sugar
To peel the tomatoes: you can remove the skins by cutting an “X” on the bottom of the tomato, plunge it in boiling water for about 25 seconds, and then dunk it in iced water to stop the cooking. The skins should slip right off. Check this post to see the method with pictures.
1. In a heavy bottomed pot over medium-low heat, sauté the onion and garlic with olive oil, without coloring.
2. Add herbs —basil, oregano, thyme— and tomatoes. Add salt, pepper and a pinch of sugar.
3. Bring to a boil and let simmer for at least half an hour over low heat. The longer, the better: The success of a good tomato sauce depends on the cooking process.
4. Before serving, you can pour a few drops of vinegar to make it according to your will. For a shot of acidity use red wine vinegar. But if you’re up for something sweeter, use balsamic vinegar instead.