
Kitchen Window Shelves: 12 Great Inspirations

window display shelves image

Natural day light is a wonderful asset in a kitchen and I guess you’ll agree that blocking even a thin ray of light from the window is something we rather not do when we have the choice. So to combine the needs of a well stocked kitchen, a friendly decorative theme and a sunlight bath in our favorite room, many inspired homeowners and designers have opted for window shelves. If the kitchen windows are large, this concept works beautifully and you can play a lot with items you decide to show off. It would be lovely to display a collection of colored glass or delicate porcelain plates. It’s up to you!


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Open Shelves On Kitchen photokitchen windows for plants pictureshelves above windows imageshelves in the kitchen - above the window shelving

Photo sources:

  • Avaliving
  • Pinterest.com
  • Tidbits from the Tremaynes
  • 320 Sycamore
  • Amy Lau Design — New York, NY, US 10001
  • Bosworth Hoedemaker — Seattle, WA, US 98103 — www.bosworthhoedemaker.com
  • Great Five Lakes — Toronto, ON, CA M6K1K6 — www.greatfivelakes.com
  • Jennifer Ashton, Allied ASID — Santa Fe, NM, US 87501
  • TAS Construction — Austin, TX, US — tasconstruction.com
  • Bill Fry Construction — www.billfryconstruction.com
  • Gut Gut — Bratislava, Slovakia, SK — www.gutgut.sk
  • Tess Bethune Interiors — Los Angeles, CA, US 90405 — tessbethune.com
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