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Are your lost in translation when you hear about “carbohydrates”, “hydrogenated fats”, or “empty calories diet”? If you do, then you are like most people who feel a bit lost when choosing which way to cook and eat is more appropriate for health and long term weight control.
Check out this articles round up and next time you think about new approaches to blend healthy eating habits in your daily routines, for you or your kids, hubby, wife, students or parents, you’ll get ready with a solid framework! Enjoy the read!
Useful articles about healthy eating:
1st row:
- 1. Eat Healthy Without Sacrificing Taste
- 2. 10 Simple Tricks to Eat Healthy for Cheap
- 3. Cut Your Budget and Keep Eating Healthy Food
- 4. The Essential Ingredients for a Healthy Balanced Meal
- 5. 5 Easy Things You Can Do to Cook Lighter Meals
2nd row: