A lot of pastry and dessert recipes call for egg yolks only, but what do we do with remaining egg white? Throw them into the sink? Certainly not! In fact you can keep leftover egg whites up to 10 days into your refrigerator, in an air-tight container, if you plan to cook them. If you need to use your egg whites right now, make chocolate mousses or light mayonnaises without egg yolk. They also would perfect into an ultra light tempura dough.
You can use leftover egg whites for various recipes:
One good pastry trick with leftover egg whites is to make the bottom of your tart crust liquid-proof. Spread the egg white 5 minutes before the end of the pre baking step. The crust won’t be soaked with fruit juice and will stay crunchy for your strawberry or lemon tarts.
And the best for the end: you can freeze egg whites! Think about marking the weight or the number of eggs on the container.