Item: Chef’N – Freshforce Citrus Juicer
Price: $16.99
This mini-review could be simply renamed “How to get more lemon juice with less efforts”!
The FreshForce Citrus Juicer by ChefN is a hand held device perfect for pressing juice from halved lemons and limes. Use it for making margaritas, lemonade or adding that fresh touch to your desserts and entrees.
Very easy to clean. I also love how attractive the design and lime color is so much more attractive than the bulky enameled metal ones!
Only con I might list is it only comes in one size (big enough for a good sized lemon) but even with the smaller limes I get a good press. Some reviewers on Amazon tell that they can even squeeze oranges with it.
This thing makes you want to buy more limes and lemons!
Tip: To keep an unused lemon half, brush the surface with a layer of salt, place it in the fridge and it will retain all its juices!
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