[portfolio_slideshow navpos=top]Ample daylight, spacious, clean and welcoming spaces for friendly dinners… This could be a good definition of a rustic summer kitchen, don’t you think? How to achieve these look? Designers use natural materials like stone, wood, rattan, built-in stucco cabinetry paired with contemporary accessories — metal stools, high-end appliances, sleek and stylish light fixtures — to provide visual balance so that our “modern world” inclinations are satisfied. To help your draw some inspiration for your next projet, we gathered these 10 modern/rustic kitchens exemples.
(Photo credits: 1. Via Casa Tres Chic / 2. Via My Paradissi / 3. Via Blood and Champagne / 4. Via VerdiGrisVie / 5. On Site Management, Inc. rustic modern kitchen, Jackson / 6. Country Living / 7. Via Oliver Yaphe / 8. Don Ziebell / Oz Architects, eclectic kitchen, Phoenix / 9. Via Acoustic Garden / 10. Birdseye Design, contemporary rustic, Burlington)