
Help! How Do I Freeze Chopped Apples?

what is the best way to freeze applesQuestion: “I was given a big load of tree fallen apples which I peeled and chopped, thinking of saving space and time for prepping. The apples have gone a bit brown like they do when they have been peeled and left for a while. Do I need to treat them?  Do you think they will still be ok to use? And more generally, is it wise to freeze chopped apples for baking?”
Sent by Fany

Editor: If browning is a concern, you can dip apple slices in lemon juice or salt water before freezing. It acts as a antioxidant, preventing apple from turning brown. This also works for pears.

If you have way more apples than you will be able to use for your immediate use, freezing some of them is a good option. One solution for freezing apples is to freeze them whole and unpeeled. Just wash them well and lay them out on a tray in freezer until frozen. Then put them into freezer bags for convenient storage. More directly related to you question, peeling, coring and slicing apples before freezing is a great option. You can make them whatever size you want. Lay them out on a tray in the freezer to freeze them quickly before transferring to a freezer bag for storage.

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