So adorable! We were scouring the web for nice DIY ideas for Halloween and stumbled upon some vibrant artworks that happened to be creative treats or tricks bags. Send you kids threaten the neighbors with one of these cuties and we are sure they will come back with an incredible candy harvest![portfolio_slideshow]
First row:
1. Halloween Trick-or-Treat Bags – Eighteen 25
2. DIY Halloween Tricks Or Treat Bags – Sarah Hearts
3. A Duct Tape Trick or Treat Bag – Duke and Duchesses
4. Trick or Treat Bag Tutorial – The Fabric Mill
5. DIY Halloween Tricks and Treats Bag – 365 Days of Craft
Second row:
6. Candy Corn Trick or Treat Bags – Purlbee
7. Treat Bags and a Tutorial – Fishsticks and Fries